North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Inc. invites you to attend our annual conference themed Remaining Strong in an Ever-Changing Landscape, celebrating NAHSL's 60th year and the resiliency of our membership. Join us for 3 days of programming, inspiration, and camaraderie this October in beautiful Manchester, NH!
On behalf of the 2018 Planning Committee and the NAHSL Executive Board, thank you for a wonderful conference! We ask that you please fill out the Conference Evaluation as soon as possible. We hope to see you next year in Springfield, MA! We had a great program this year! Check out our Schedule pages for all the details. Keep in touch with us on Twitter @NAHSL_mla and with the conference hashtag #NAHSL2018!
This website will serve as a digital program, and will help you to plan for and navigate the meeting. Please check back regularly for updated details. For more information about NAHSL, please visit our website: